Progressive knockout pokerstars
Progressive knockout pokerstars

progressive knockout pokerstars

There were some serious flaws though: there was often significant deviation from the 10% target a huge portion of the money went to the final table first place received too much, the jumps in final table prizes were too severe the pay tiers were often very large, meaning that large swaths of finishing positions received the same prize most importantly, nine out of every 10 people who played walked away with nothing to show for their investment of time and money. Jones, continued, pointing out the array of problems with this organization:

progressive knockout pokerstars

“Providing a smooth transition from live to online poker was one of the most important considerations back then, and 10% payouts helped to facilitate that transition,” he wrote. Jones hearkened back to 2002-2006, the years just before and during the online poker boom, when tournaments typically paid out to 10 percent of the field. In a blog post from late last week, Mike Jones, Poker Operations Manager for PokerStars, took readers through the online poker room’s history with tourney payouts and explained the reason for the changes. In an ongoing effort to satisfy more players, PokerStars is widening the pay structure of many of its tournaments today.

Progressive knockout pokerstars